Here are 11 keys for a successful career:
- Ask questions. It is the best way to learn. Better to ask questions then to act like you know it all. It’s OK to say, “I am not sure, but I will get back to you with an answer by the end it the day.”
- Be honest always. That’s with yourself and with others. Your integrity is your most important asset, and it hard to establish and easy to lose.
- Clear communication requires clear thinking. Clarify your thoughts with an outline before writing them down, and think before you speak.
- Maintain a high Say/Do ratio. The best way to do this is to be cautious about what you commit to. Before you commit to a deadline (when work is due), always look at your timeline (when work actually gets done) to ensure you can keep your commitment.
- Keep it simple. Fewer concisely expressed words (written or spoken) are more powerful than long, flowery statements, at least in the business world.
- Accept responsibility. If you make a mistake, admit it, sincerely apologize then immediately take action to fix it and prevent it from happening again.
- Listen. The one with the most power in the room is the person who LISTENS well, then offers input that integrates others’ comments with a unique solution or perspective.
- Work hard. There is no substitute for hard work – show up early, leave late and be valuable in-between.
- Be a team player. Find ways to help others succeed. That is the ultimate job of a leader – to shine a light on others versus yourself. Others will see the leadership potential in you if you do this well. Leadership is a role you assume, not a job title.
- Always be prepared. Before any meeting or interaction, do your research, arrive with good questions or solutions to problems.
- Take initiative and follow-up. These are the bookends of success. Anticipate the needs of others. Use the 3 W’s – What, Who and When – to clarify actions each party must take after meetings or conversations in the hallway.
Colan, Lee. “11 Keys for a Successful Career | Inc.Com.” 11 Keys for a Successful Career,, Accessed 6 Nov. 2023.